I have been
growing bonsai indoors on windowsills and under artificial light
for over twenty five years. During that time I have learned,
and unfortunately had to re-learn, some crucial concepts. What
follows is an assortment of ideas that I have gleaned over the
years. Many of the conclusions seem obvious, but they were
not so obvious at the time. I hope these ideas will help growers
save themselves time, effort and mangled trees.
is not indoors!
Growing trees
indoors is a difficult task, and part of the problem is that
indoor growing conditions can be quite variable. One window in
your home drops to 48 degrees Fahrenheit at night, while another
windowsill may be a constant 85 degrees! One spot in the living
room is extremely dark with almost no natural light and another
area has southwest light streaming in from the window. Trees
that grow well in one room of a house may not be happy in another
room in the same house. Finding the right microclimate
in a home is a huge part of winning the battle. A cool basement
is the ideal place to grow boxwood, crape myrtle, Cotoneaster,
Chamaecyparis, Serissa, and citrus, while the warmer bedroom
is the best place for Ficus, Schefflera, Wrightia religiosa,
and buttonwood. Ask friends who are successful in growing trees
indoors about the lighting, humidity, temperature range, soil,
and water conditions that work for them. Use these suggestions
as a starting point for your indoor growing set-up and modify
these to suit the types of trees that you grow.
All plants
are not created equal!
One key element to successfully growing
bonsai indoors is selecting trees that will survive indoors.
Most trees will not survive indoors for long periods of time,
while a few trees are proven indoor survivors. Temperate trees,
those requiring a cool dormancy period, such as maples, larch,
pines and junipers will usually not live indoors. While tropical
trees such as Ficus, Brassaia/Schefflera, Sageretia, and
Portulacaria are quite happy in most homes and will not need
chilling, or a prolonged winter resting period. They also will
not have a leaf drop and sit in leafless condition for weeks
while waiting for the start of their spring growth period.
Select trees that will be happy under
your home conditions. If you do select sub-tropical or cooler
type trees modify your home to make these trees happy.
One way to find suitable trees that
may work for your indoor situation is to go to the produce section
of your supermarket and buy some fruit; try guava, lemon, kumquat,
tamarind, and fig. As you eat the fruits, save the seeds and
plant them. Some of these will survive, and may make good plants
for indoor bonsai. Next, go to your local plant nursery, and
select any small-leaved tree from their terrarium selection.
Trees that you can find are cotoneaster, chamaecyparis, boxwood,
myrtle, elm, and ivy.
Grow these plants in your home, and
over a year or two some will survive while others will die. Select
the healthy and growing survivors and concentrate your efforts
on these few trees. Propagate the vigorous trees and discard
the weak trees. Make sure to have at least three or four specimens
of each of the strong varieties.
Lastly, purchase some pre-bonsai
and finished indoor bonsai from a reputable bonsai nursery. Ask
specifically if these plants can be grown indoors or whether
they will require a dormant period or an outdoor summer growth
period. These developed trees can be admired immediately, while
your young, new experimental trees will take time to mature into
respectable bonsai.
and more light!
Growing trees in a dark corner of
an apartment is doomed to failure. Over the last five years,
I have become more convinced that the most critical element to
long term success with indoor bonsai is adequate light. Given
enough light many trees will grow indoors and become wonderful
Windowsill growing is borderline
in most homes as window light is often dim and unreliable. For
most indoor growers, supplemental artificial light is the only
way to go, and my recommendation for anyone with a small bonsai
collection is to use POF, plain old fluorescent lights.
POF are inexpensive to purchase and to run. At the local hardware
store purchase four foot long fluorescent fixtures. Use simple
chains to hang these over the bonsai growing area.
Do not bother to search for special
plant bulbs. The normal daylight spectrum bulbs work just fine
and they are much less expensive. The key is to have the leaves
nearly touching the bulbs. Fluorescents are relatively weak in
energy and they must be left on for a 16 to 18 hours each day.
A simple electric timer will cycle the lights on and off automatically.
Other types of lighting can work
including incandescent bulbs, metal halides, halogens etc. The
key factor is to increase the amount of light available to the
trees. Trees in dark areas are literally starving to death.
I encourage those who have tried
to grow trees indoors and failed, to try again with supplemental
lighting. The experience will be an “enlightening”
one for you and the trees.
or less than tropical trees need special care!
Most tropical trees will grow year
round in the normal temperature range of a typical home, 60-90
degrees Fahrenheit. However, if you are trying to grow semi-tropical
trees, you likely will experience great difficulty unless you
allow these trees to slow down their growth in the fall. Trees
such as juniper, cotoneaster, holly, elm, boxwood, pomegranate,
serissa, and azalea can be grown indoors, but many successful
growers of these plants grow them in cooler temperatures than
exist in most homes.
To succeed with these plants try
a cool basement, or a really cool window in an unheated, spare
bedroom. Besides cooling down the growing area, another trick
for success with these trees is to raise the humidity level.
A humidifier can be placed near the plants or the plants can
be surrounded with a plastic tent to increase the humidity. Leave
the top of the tent open to keep fungal problems from developing.
Cooler temperatures also help by keeping the relative humidity
higher. Another technique is keeping trays full of water
near the trees, but do not allow the trees to sit in this water.
The last suggestion is to allow the
soil of these sub-tropical trees to become definitely drier during
their winter rest period; inactive trees need less water. Begin
watering them normally when they resume active growth.
Select trees from the survivors’
list, and make sure to find the microclimate in your home to
make them happy. Increase the light and humidity levels and let
your trees rest when they want to rest. These five tips can help
you successfully grow bonsai in your home. Future articles will
highlight other useful tips. Please let me know of other ideas
that make your growing more successful.
All the trees below have
been raised from seed or cuttings and grown only under lights
Cotoneaster microphylla
cutting three years old, height 4 inches.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/2CotoAfter.jpg) |
Tamarind from
seed, age 2 years, height 12 inches.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/4TamarindTwi.jpg) |
Hedera helix,
ivy, age 3 years, height 3.5 inches.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/5Hedera.jpg) |
Ficus microcarpa
cutting, two years, height 5 inches.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/6MicroKemp.jpg) |
Cupressus pygmae
cutting, age 4 years.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/8CupresstFin.jpg) |
Pyracantha coccinea
'Teton', age 3 years, height 4.5 inches.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/9PyraTeton.jpg) |
Ficus salicaria
cutting, age 3 years, height 5 inches.
![](../pic/SecretsPics/10SalCut013.jpg) |