Part ll of My Bonsai Tour of South Africa
 By Jerry Meislik

On the second part of our bonsai tour to South Africa our friend Charles Ceronio arranged and escorted us to see some of the incredible sights of South Africa including the Baobabs, Acacias and indigenous Ficus.

Charles arranged for a several day tour to the north. During that time we visited a number of bonsai collections as well as getting acquainted with the unusual and exquisite forms of natural African trees. Among the species we were able to see were the incredible Acacias and their flat top forms as well as the immense and memorable Baobabs.

Ficus burtt-davyi root-over-rock style, Pieter Geldenhusys collection, 2011

Org and Rika van Zyl near their giant Ficus microcarpa, 2011

Ficus ingens with new red leaves, Lampie Schoeman collection, 2011

Lampie examining Ficus tettensis in the wild, 2011

Rita Schoeman, Charles Ceronio and Rhona dwarfed by Baobab trunk, 2011

Bonsai collection Dawid Kruger, 2011

Ficus natalensis, hollow trunk style, Dawid Kruger collection, 2011

Massive Baobab, note Rhona in front of the tree, 2011

Hennie Smit, Dawid Kruger and Charles discussing bonsai trees - of course, 2011

Baobab bonsai, Henney Smit collection, 2011

Flat top Acacia, style as described by Charles in his book, 2011

Dereck Veldhuizen with his prize winning Commiphora, 2011

Dereck's Commiphora, a succulent, 2011

Charles and Rhona near the famous Ficus "Wonderboom", Ficus cordata, 2011

Theuns Roos with Ficus natalensis, 2011

Ficus natalensis, ROR, Roos collection, 2011

Assorted mini bonsai, Roos collection, 2011

Incredible Ficus burkei climbing over a wall, 2011

Attie and Acacia bonsai, 2011

Attie's spectacular succulent garden, 2011

Ficus benjamina, Lucas Uys, 2011

Again a very heartfelt thanks to Charles and Elsie Ceronio for making this trip happen as well as the wonderful people of South Africa who shared their bonsai, knowledge and beautiful country with us.

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